Kit Houses

Addition 3

Briggs Street looking south from Flynn Avenue with Vermont Structural Steel on the right, 1942. The developers marketed the Addition as a convenient neighborhood for workers at factories nearby. Courtesy of McAllister Collection, University of Vermont Special Collections.


Scarff Avenue looking east toward Wells from Richardson, undated. Courtesy of McAllister Collection, University of Vermont Special Collections.


Home Avenue looking east from Richardson St., 1934. Development was still sparse on this street more than thirty years after the neighborhood was laid out. Courtesy of McAllister Collection, University of Vermont Special Collections.


Pine Hill Development, from the intersection of Morse Place looking south toward Home Ave., June 30, 1942. The sign on the right says “Pine Hill Development/Choice Building Lots/H.C. Petersen Realtor/76 Church St./Phone 643.” Courtesy of McAllister Collection, University of Vermont Special Collections.