The Big Architecture

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet leo ullamcorper, pellentesque massa tincidunt, congue diam. Proin vel convallis lectus. Nunc lobortis vehicula ex quis viverra. Etiam et convallis nulla, a rhoncus sem. Maecenas quis ipsum diam. Etiam aliquam, leo eu scelerisque finibus, tortor elit rhoncus felis, at vulputate elit ligula at elit. Vestibulum condimentum quam aliquam orci pellentesque, ut commodo ipsum ultrices. Phasellus tristique nunc et interdum viverra. Proin consectetur luctus urna, molestie hendrerit velit vestibulum eget. Phasellus eu risus at est pretium malesuada sed nec est. Sed suscipit mauris eu lacus vulputate lobortis. Aliquam laoreet, ante sed lacinia tincidunt, ligula dolor vulputate elit, sed efficitur massa enim efficitur sem.

Telephone and chair
Eustis Telephone Room

Ut sagittis sit amet tortor nec maximus. Praesent iaculis diam non vehicula posuere. Donec commodo tellus quis consectetur pulvinar. Cras facilisis, quam ut accumsan bibendum, magna arcu luctus libero, eu bibendum justo odio sit amet nisi. Morbi non varius orci, vitae blandit arcu. Mauris ut eros mattis, luctus nulla at, laoreet eros. Phasellus fringilla consequat porttitor. Vestibulum sodales molestie turpis, in tempor tortor pellentesque ut. Donec vitae consectetur sapien. Pellentesque pharetra justo nulla, in bibendum diam luctus ut. Sed semper laoreet enim, at tincidunt erat ultrices eu.

Making a Template Visible

Template and the Template Project

Template videos can include content as well. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eget pretium sapien, et laoreet est. Donec in velit sit amet purus tristique ultricies a sit amet turpis. Aenean mollis lorem eget magna imperdiet ultricies.

Historic Paint Cross Section

Template Uncovering the Original Paint

In order to discover the original paint of the hall, a deep chip was removed from the wall and its cross section examined through a microscope, revealing each layer of paint. In this cross section from the hall, four individual layers of red paint were used to create the original wall treatment, followed by a single layer of modern white paint. The four original paint layers contained hand-ground pigments of various sizes, creating a depth in the color that was more like canvas painting than modern wall painting. As part of the restoration of the Eustis mansion, Historic New England hired specialized decorative painters to recreate the four layers of red in the hallway, restoring it to the original Pompeiian red.

Base layer of red paint.

Second layer of red paint.

Third layer of red paint.

Top layer of red varnish.

Modern white latex paint, now painted over.

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Template Dumbwaiter

A dumbwaiter was included in the china closet so that food could easily be sent from the kitchen upstairs to the night nursery where the three Eustis children took many of their meals.

Template Elevator

The builders’ plans for the mansion indicate that was originally an elevator installed in the house, which would have been a simple cab that was used primarily for wood. An electric sawmill in the basement was used to cut wood to the proper size. The current elevator cab was upgraded in the early twentieth century.

Template Safe

This safe is located in the China Closet and would have housed the family silver and other valuable pieces. When the outermost door is closed it appears to hide a regular closet, but when opened reveals two different doors sets that lie beneath. The first is a faux wood grained metal door that locks with a key, and the second is a set of double metal doors, also faux wood grained, that open with a knob.

Template Telephone Room

This telephone room was installed after the house’s initial construction when the Eustises replaced the Western Electric telephone that had been installed closer to the front door. As telephone conversations became more commonplace, the need for privacy prompted the addition of this tiny room.

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Click on the image
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Click on the image
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Template Hall Table

This long rectangular table has served as a centerpiece in the entrance hall since the house was built. Its impressive carving is in the style of the Italian Renaissance, a popular source for design in the late nineteenth century. One of the most notable practitioners in this style was the Italian carver Luigi Frullini (1839-1897) who worked for many wealthy Americans, most notably completing the decoration of two rooms at Chateau-sur-Mer in Newport. The Eustises believe that Frullini carved the panels flanking the sideboard in the dining room.

Template Panorama

Looking all around the Template